Stuart Hall Representation Theory DOVE

According to Stuart Hall, meaning is constituted by representation; by what is present, what is absent, and what is different.
Through an analysis of the 2 advertisements for Dove, what messages are communicated about gender through the representations that are constructed?
In your answer you should consider:
·            The ways in which meaning is created through semiotic elements
·            The extent to which stereotypes of gender are either reinforced or challenged

Representation means using language to represent or to say something meaningful about the world meaningfully. According to Stuart Hall, it is an essential part of the process of production and exchange of meaning between members of a culture. Representation has an important place in cultural studies as it connects meaning and language to culture. Stuart Hall argues that representation is the production of the meaning of the concepts in our mind through language. The link between concepts and language enables us to refer to either the real world of objects, people or events, or to imaginary worlds of fictional objects, people, events.
In the two adverts, gender is seen to be represented differently. In the first advert, a ‘campaign for real beauty’ rhetorical questions are used in prominent copy ‘grey? Gorgeous?’ to present the ideas that beauty is a measurement and that gender is measure on beauty. The woman used in the advert is an older woman who of which looks incredible for her age; she has very little makeup on but vibrant lipstick and portrays the view that woman should be desirable. Further evidence of this is the use of an older/mature women who would be viewed as attractive, despite her grey hair. However the advert also features the copy "Why can't more women be glad to be grey?" This presents a changing attitude and presentation of women and gender as it implies that beauty doesn't need to be withheld due to ageing. 
The other Dove advert also presents the idea of changing attitudes but still using a stereotypical image on men in society. The advert implies that ‘real men’ are family orientated and caring shown by the man playing with his family on a beach. However, the advert still uses a very masculine man rather than a typical ‘everyday’ dad. The advert uses a colour palette of prominent blue, navy and white in order to reinforce the product by mimicking its packaging. Blue is a colour most commonly associated with males and therefore presents the idea of masculinity within the advert.


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